Thursday, December 8, 2011

Is anyone planning to film the birth of their baby?

I recorded the birth of my son and watch it occasionally. I also plan to film my daughter being born also. If you are planning to film it, would you let anyone else besides you and your hubby watch it? I have had several people ask to see mine. My mum, grandparents, cousins, pregnant friends etc and i never know what to say when they ask. I usually just say something like "oh its on a disc somewhere and i cant find it". I have shown it to my mum and she cried through the whole bloody thing, haha.|||I don't wanna be embarrassed, girl.|||I would if the hospital allowed it...|||its a personal decision, and i really wish i had of filmed the birth of my daughter. i plan on filming the birth of my next child if there is a next child!|||No way. I understand for some women it is important, but frankly, I don't want it on video. I prefer to remember it how I remember it. I don't want to see my own vagina that up close and personal.

My hubby's parents videotaped his birth and his brother's birth. They are always trying to get him to watch it. He DOES NOT want to see it at all.|||I definately do not want to film it. I dont think i'd ever want to watch or even let anyone watch it either. Way too embarrassing.|||I filmed the birth of my first son, born by a scheduled Cesarean birth. I wish I had recorded the birth of my second son, who was born vaginally. I have some still shots, but I wish I had video. When I was giving birth to him, my mind was in a completely different place, and it's hard for me to remember certain parts of it. With a video, it would all be there for me to see. I really wish I had one. If we have another baby, I'll definitely make sure there's video.

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