Thursday, December 8, 2011

How can you tell when all your film has been used in a camera?

I've recently bought the Zenit-E film camera, and have figured out how to put the film in and how to rewind it. The only problem is that I'm not sure how you know when you've used all of the film? Any answers would be much appreciated. Thanks!|||hi, wow, this takes me back a few years... when you hit the film crank it moves, and so does the spool on the left...theres a metal dial which, if oyu set it correctly at zero, when you load the film, it indicates when youve hit the end... i say indicates... use the term loosely.

its easier to rely on the tension created between the film, and the crank lever, when it hits the end of the roll, it will go tight, and stop, halfway thru its action... but this is a 40yr old russian camera... if youre unaware of this, then its very easy to rip the film straight of the loading spool... which can be a nightmare to retrieve, if you havent got a light tent, or darkroom...

and, this is a wholly manual camera, be mindful of where you take the meter reading, and onserve basic principles... dont shoot into the sun, and dont shoot anything less than 60th second, without a tripod or support of some sort. (you get camera shake)

this camera was my very first foray into 35mm... im still doing it now, 41yrs later... sure its not a nikon, but if you drop it, itll bounce...and its a good cheap option... and of course, theres gazillions of M42 lenses out there, for pennies... five quid will get you a good zeiss 135mm F2,8 lens...|||there is should be a Little window that tells you how many pictures you have like 12 or 24 or 48 and so on|||Read the manual. It may be an eye opener.

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